Toowoomba Second Range Crossing / Bypass
The Toowoomba Bypass, previously known as the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, was delivered through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement with Nexus Infrastructure Pty Ltd.
Toowoomba is a key strategic link in the National Land Transport Network with almost half of all exports from the Port of Brisbane originating from regions accessed via the existing Warrego Highway Toowoomba Range section.
Of the 24,600 vehicle movements daily on the original crossing, 4,400 are heavy vehicles. Up to 80% of these are expected to divert via the 41km-long Toowoomba Bypass improving the liveability for residents of the Toowoomba and Lockyer Valley areas.
SCGroup resources were engaged from business case development through to final delivery. SCGroup’s role was the route optimisation, development and delivery of land acquisition programs and contractual Site Access Schedule negotiation with the successful bidder, final post completion survey management and asset creation.
In addition to responsibilities of “all things property” SCGroup undertook a SME role in the evaluation of bid tenders.
All land was delivered on time and on budget!